A new Helpful Content Update from Google – December 2022


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On December 6th, Google announced the launch of the second release of their helpful content update/system. This update, which began rolling out lightly on December 5th, adds new signals and is now applicable to all languages globally, not just English content.

Brief Facts about Algorithm Update 

What is New ? 

Google has updated its helpful content update system to be a global update, impacting all languages. Additionally, the system has been updated with new signals to help Google identify content that is primarily created for search engines rather than for people,

Launch Date 

It began to roll out on December 5th and takes about two weeks to fully roll out.

Google Officially posted that “Released the December 2022 helpful content update, which improves our classifier and works across content globally in all languages. The rollout may take up to two weeks to complete.”

What to do if you are hit ?

If you receive a hit from this, it is advisable to review your content and see if you can improve it according to Google’s advice.

A Brief Glance on the Google’s First Helpful Content Update 

The first Google Helpful Content Update was released on  August 25, 2022 and the  rollout was complete by September 9, 2022 and also Google stated that

“This update introduces a new site-wide signal and our systems automatically identify content that seems to have little value, low-added value or is otherwise not particularly helpful to those doing searches.

This update impacts English searches globally to begin with and we plan to expand to other languages in the future”

According to a poll by Aleyda Solis, only 20% of SEOs reported noticing any changes in their rankings, either positive or negative, since the latest update.

Now, the rollout of the latest helpful content update impacts content globally in all languages and following are some of the threads that might be affected by this update

But it is still early to conclude the results,  but the impact has not been massive till now.

Picture of Nitin Manchanda

Nitin Manchanda

Nitin Manchanda is a developer turned SEO. In the past, Nitin has helped some really popular brands like Omio, trivago, and Flipkart grow organically. He is also the founder of Botpresso, a boutique SEO consultancy. While not busy with his SEO stuff, you'll find him planning his next trip, watching some cricket match, or painting, crafting or breaking things with his two daughters!