Best SaaS SEO Tools that You Must Try

SaaS SEO Tools

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In the fast-paced digital landscape of SaaS (Software as a Service), the significance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has reached new heights. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role of SEO in enhancing their online visibility and driving organic traffic.

In this context, the emergence of Software as a Service (SaaS) SEO tools has revolutionized the way organizations approach their digital marketing strategies. Leveraging advanced technology and data-driven insights, these SaaS SEO tools have become indispensable for businesses aiming to stay ahead of the curve in the competitive online sphere.

SaaS SEO tools offer a diverse range of features and functionalities that empower businesses to streamline their SEO efforts and achieve sustainable growth. These SEO tools help users conduct comprehensive website audits, identify technical SEO issues, and optimize their online content to align with the latest search engine algorithms and check the impact on the website with the latest algorithm updates. Additionally, SaaS SEO tools provide in-depth keyword research and analysis, enabling businesses to identify high-value keywords and tailor their content strategies accordingly.

Table of Contents

Key Types of SaaS SEO Tools

SEO is a multi-faceted field that encompasses various areas such as One-Page Optimization, Technical Optimization,  Off-Page Optimization and User experience. Similarly, for different areas and the use cases, there are different tools available for SaaS businesses.

Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis Tools

In the SaaS landscape, one should not only be aware of their own product but also stay on top of how competitors are progressing. Hence, constantly researching the competitive landscape is important. This exercise can be done using the following tools.


If you are working in the SEO industry, it would be hard to miss Semrush. Semrush is a keyword research and competitor analysis tool. It helps to identify various keyword-related data, trends, and also uncover top-performing pages of competitors. Semrush also has a feature that helps users conduct top-level audits for the website.

SemRush Screenshot
Semrush Screenshot

Key Feature

  • Semrush has a built-in feature that creates a keyword cluster around the seed keyword.
  • It provides keyword data at the local geography level.
  • The tool allows you to compare your domain with a competitor and find keywords that your domain is missing and keywords that are at lower position in search results.


Ahrefs is another tool that is renowned for its comprehensive SEO toolkit. With features like keyword research, backlink analysis, and content optimization, it helps businesses create focused SEO strategies. With the ever-changing digital landscape, it helps businesses make data-driven decisions for improving rankings and increasing website traffic. 

Ahrefs Screenshot

Key  Features 

  • Provides data on the SERP volatility for different keywords.
  • Ahrefs not only provides Google search data but also offers YouTube and Bing search data.
  • Offers comprehensive backlink data for the website, which can help in decoding the backlink strategy of competitors. 

Google Trends

Google Trends, a powerful tool in the SaaS SEO arsenal, provides invaluable insights into search trends and user behavior. By analyzing the popularity of search queries over time, Google Trends enables SaaS businesses to identify emerging trends, understand user interests, and tailor their SEO strategies accordingly.

Google Trends Screenshot
Google Trends Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Provides real-time search trend analysis and insights on geographic and demographic data related to keywords.
  • Helps to identify seasonal and cyclical trends throughout the year.
  • Users can compare specific keywords to find their popularity and related breakout keywords, queries, and topics.

Also Asked

Google Search features “People Also Ask” (PAA), which provides additional information related to the initial topic the user is searching for. PAA is a great way to find more information about the topic. This can also help businesses understand user intent and refine their content strategy by creating content around these questions. Also Asked is a great platform to find different questions around the topic.

Alsoasked Screenshot
Alsoasked Screenshot

Key Features

  • Helps to find more topics related to the seed keywords.
  • Highlights the top questions that users are interested in around the main topic.

Keywords Insights

Keywords Insights uses a natural language processing system and also analyzes the SERP, aiding in advanced keyword research for content creation. The content creation features in Keywords Insights provide information about the top-performing content on the SERP and offer recommendations accordingly.

Keyword insights Screenshot
Keyword insights Screenshot

Key Features

  • Assists in organizing and grouping similar keywords through keyword clustering based on content ranking in search results.
  • Keywords Insights expedites the content production process with an AI-powered content brief module.
  • SERP similarity is another unique feature that helps understand whether a particular query needs its own page or can be combined with existing content.

Technical Audit Tools

Technical SEO forms a critical part of the SEO strategy because if Google bots are unable to crawl and index web pages, all strategies and initiatives would fall flat and fail to produce the desired results. Hence, using Technical Audit tools becomes even more critical to identify such gaps in the website.

These tools scrutinize pages on the website and evaluate them against factors such as site speed, crawlability, mobile-friendliness, and page responsiveness. Hence, it’s important for businesses to invest in Technical audit tools.

Screaming Frog 

it’s one of the most comprehensive tools for conducting technical audits for businesses, and every business should invest in this tool as it is also light on the pocket compared to the tools we have mentioned in this list. However, it’s important to remember that this crawler works on your system rather than being cloud-based by default. If needed, you can create a virtual system and run it on the cloud as well.

This powerful crawler tool enables webmasters to delve inside the hood of the website, providing insights into elements like broken links, duplicate content, schema errors, and even page rendering issues. This can help streamline the website for optimal performance and ensure a seamless user experience.

Screaming Frog also has the provision of adding an API from Google Search Console, which helps retrieve more insights and aids in detailed analysis of the crawl data.

Screaming Frog Screenshot
Screaming Frog Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Comprehensive website crawling and analysis.
  • Site internal linking structure with complete visualization.
  • Swift detection of broken links and duplicate content.
  • API integration with Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Page Speed Insight, Ahrefs, Majestic, and other platforms.


OnCrawl is another cloud-based enterprise SaaS SEO tool. With its advanced data-driven approach, OnCrawl empowers SaaS businesses to conduct thorough analyses of their websites, identifying critical issues and opportunities for optimization. This powerful tool provides valuable insights into various on-page elements, technical issues, and content performance, enabling businesses to fine-tune their SEO strategies for enhanced online visibility and improved search engine rankings.

Oncrawl Screenshot
OnCrawl screenshot

Key Features 

  • OnCrawl also provides API integration with GSC, GA4, and Google Data Studio.
  • OnCrawl analyzes a website’s technical SEO performance using over 500 metrics.
  • It helps understand the link flow versus the depth of the page and N-gram distribution on the website.


Sitebulb is a desktop website crawler and auditor that not only identifies but also helps you fix a myriad of technical SEO issues. By thoroughly crawling your website and analyzing its structure, content, and backlinks, Sitebulb offers a comprehensive understanding of the health of your site’s SEO. This tool has garnered significant popularity among SEO professionals and agencies due to its user-friendly interface and affordability, making it a go-to solution for businesses aiming to boost their online presence.

Sitebulb Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Sitebulb analyzes website structure and architecture, identifying potential issues, and provides actionable recommendations for optimization. 
  •  It utilizes intuitive data visualization to present complex website data in an easily understandable format, facilitating comprehensive analysis and decision-making.


Botify is an enterprise SEO platform that doesn’t just scratch the surface but delves deep into the core of your website’s performance, offering an advanced solution for in-depth website analysis and optimization. With its robust capabilities and data-driven insights, Botify empowers SaaS businesses to uncover intricate technical issues and maximize their search engine visibility, making it a vital ally for businesses striving for online excellence.

Botify Screenshot
Botify Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Offers insights into website architecture, internal linking, and page hierarchy, enabling businesses to enhance their website’s structure and search engine visibility.
  • Botify also allows integration with Google Locker, utilizing advanced data visualization techniques to present complex website data in an easily understandable format, facilitating comprehensive analysis and decision-making.
  • Offers detailed insights into website performance metrics, including server response times, resource issues, and other technical aspects impacting search engine visibility and user experience.

Analytics Tools 

It is important to have analytics tools for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of SEO strategies. An efficient SEO analytics tool enables SaaS businesses to track key performance indicators, evaluate the impact of their SEO efforts, and gain valuable insights into user behaviour and search engine performance. By leveraging the power of an SEO analytics tool, SaaS companies can make data-driven decisions, refine their SEO strategies, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth and improved online visibility.

Google Search Console 

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google to webmasters, offering first-party data about the performance of the website and the technical issues that Google bots encounter when crawling the website.

Google Search Console provides an overview of how Google perceives the website. This platform facilitates the monitoring of search traffic, indexing status, and the health of the website in real time.This real-time data can help businesses rectify the issues highlighted in GSC, optimize the content for ranking, and further refine their SaaS SEO strategies.

Google Search Console - Screenshot
Google Search Console - Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Provides first-party data about the website’s performance and how Google perceives the website.
  • Google Search Console gives information about crawl stats and the types of Google bots crawling the website.
  •  Gives insights on page experience and the classification of pages with good user experience. 

Google Analytics 4 

Google Analytics 4 a powerful tool for SaaS SEO and free of cost, provides comprehensive insights into user behavior and website performance. With its advanced tracking capabilities and user-centric approach, Google Analytics 4 enables SaaS businesses to understand their audience better, through engagement rate , average time on the page and user journey.  We have also covered article on maximizing insights on GA-4.

Google Analytics 4 - Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Provides first party data and gives insights on advance user centric data like conversion path , session duration that can help in optimize user experience.
  • Track conversions from pages and particular sections from the page provide insight to conversion optimization. 
  • Custom reporting and visualization. 

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a comprehensive SEO platform that amalgamates various features to enhance your website’s visibility. It facilitates efficient keyword and competitor research, allowing you to identify gaps in your content. Moreover, it aids in keyword tracking and monitoring on Google SERP. SE Ranking also boasts an impressive website audit feature, providing invaluable insights for optimizing your website.

One of the key benefits of SE Ranking is its ability to automate the creation of ranking reports, simplifying the reporting process for users. Another notable feature is its content optimization capability, driven by SE Ranking’s proprietary AI and NLP technology. This function helps identify gaps in your content and provides tailored recommendations for improvement.

SE Ranking Screenshot
SE Ranking Screenshot

Key Features

  •  SE Ranking offers comprehensive keyword research and analysis, enabling businesses to identify high-value keywords. 
  • Competitor Analysis allows businesses to analyze their competitors’ SEO strategies, keywords, and backlink profiles.
  • SE Ranking provides customizable reports and analytics, allowing businesses to track and analyze key SEO metrics.

 Looker studio

Looker Studio helps in detailed & powerful data visualisation capabilities that enable businesses to transform complex data into insightful and easy-to-understand reports. With its intuitive interface and customizable dashboards, Google Data Studio empowers SaaS businesses to create comprehensive visual representations of their SEO performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and streamlined reporting. By harnessing the diverse visualisation options provided by Google Data Studio, SaaS companies can effectively monitor key SEO metrics, track performance trends.

Google Looker Screenshot
Google Looker Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Customizable Dashboard Creation.
  • Interactive Data Visualization.
  • Real-Time Data Integration , collaboration and report sharing.

Microsoft clarity

Microsoft Clarity, provides valuable insights into user behavior and website performance. With its  advanced tracking and analysis capabilities, Microsoft Clarity enables SaaS businesses to understand user interactions, identify areas for optimization, and improve overall website usability. The webmaster can check the recording of users on the website and decide the length of the page based on click depth data. Rage clicks on the website also helps to uncover elements that are not functioning properly for particular devices and make the suitable changes. This is a free tool provided by Microsoft.

Microsoft Clarity
Microsoft Clarity Screenshot

Key Features 

  • User Behavior Analysis providing in-depth analysis of user interactions and understand how users engaging on the website.
  • Provides insight on website performance  like page load for user on different geography any device. 
  • Helps to identify the area where user are clicking and scroll depth of the page.


Content Optimization Tools 

Content optimization tool empowers SaaS businesses to refine  content strategies, find topical coverage, Topical cluster based on current competitors ranking on SERP.Ensuring that the content aligns with the latest SEO best practices and resonates with their target audience. By leveraging the capabilities of a content optimization tool, SaaS companies can enhance their content quality, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately drive sustained growth and engagement.

Content Strategy plays an important role for SEO especially in SaaS business. As the user journey are relatively longer. Hence its is critical to create focused content for users in the level of the marketing funnel – Top , Middle and bottom of the funnel. How to create content strategy for SaaS is article which have already covered.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a cloud-based SEO tool that helps website owners optimize their content and improve performance of content on  search engine ranking. Surfer SEO  provides valuable insights into content optimization, keyword usage, keyword cluster .  Surfer SEO uses their own proprietary NLP for content analysis and optimization recommendation.

Surfer SEO Screenshot
Surfer SEO Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Content analysis Surfer SEO analyses for content to identify areas where it can be improved for search engines.
  • Competitive analysis Surfer SEO allows you to compare your content to that of your competitors.

Neural text

Neural text is a type of text that is generated using artificial intelligence (AI). AI models are trained on large datasets of text and code, and they can then be used to generate new text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, Content outlines , helping with blogs topics are few of the examples.

Neural Text Screenshot

Key Feature 

  • Neural text can be used to generate content and outline for product meta description and blogs.
  • Can also be used for keywords clustering purposes.
  • This tool also helps in finding the subtopics covered by top performing content on SERP for different keywords.

Website monitoring Tool

A reliable website monitoring tool is a critical component for successful SaaS SEO strategies. With its ability to track website performance, uptime, and loading speed, a website monitoring tool ensures that SaaS businesses can promptly address any technical issues that might affect their online presence. By continuously monitoring their website’s health and performance, SaaS companies can maintain optimal user experience, improve search engine rankings, and ensure uninterrupted accessibility for their customers.


Quickblink is created by individuals with a strong passion and experience in the field of SEO. The team identified a gap in the market for a cost-effective and powerful tool that could help in monitoring websites, leading to the birth of Quickblink.

The platform provides real-time updates on the website’s health by checking its critical elements. This helps highlight any issues that may arise due to changes made on the site, preventing potential loss of revenue for the business.

Quickblink Screenshot
Quickblink Screenshot

Key Features 

  • Helps in identifying critical issues in real time and prioritize the issue based on criticality.
  • Quickblink helps in creating custom report for monitoring and analyze the website performance.
  • Cost effective compared to the rest of product available in the market.


Certainly, when it comes to SaaS SEO tools, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your business and the nature of the industry you’re operating in. As a conclusion, it’s evident that utilizing SaaS SEO tools can significantly streamline and enhance your digital marketing efforts. 

Ultimately, the use of SaaS SEO tools can contribute significantly to a more efficient, data-driven, and competitive SEO strategy, enabling your business to achieve higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and ultimately, improved conversion rates and business growth.

At the end it is about how well the SEO strategy is defined and executed rather than the number having all the tools in the toolkit. Implementation and pace of execution ideas is what would give a business the growth and edge to outbeat the competition. If you seeking some inspiration and idea for growing your SaaS business through SEO , you can read our SaaS SEO Case study.

Roopesh Bhosle

Roopesh Bhosle

Working as an SEO and ASO Manager at Botpresso. A dedicated start-up enthusiast. When I'm not strategizing for success, you can find me immersed in the world of football and Gaming.