Botpresso 2022 Year Review: A LaunchPad to Greater Heights 

Botpresso year review 2022

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Hai Berland famously said “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us” and this perfectly sums up Botpresso’s outlook for 2022. We’ve learned lots of things, both good and bad, and 2023 finds us with greater wisdom on how to meet our KEY goal; delivering SEO results to all our clients. 

That’s the reflective tone in which we look back at the year that posed different challenges to most people including a spike in the cost of living, bloody wars, and recession. At Botpresso, we sincerely appreciate the flow of life and wish for better tidings for all our clients, and the global population at large. 

A Positive Trajectory

A Positive Trajectory

When Nitin started Botpresso in 2021, he had one sole idea; practicing SEO to generate organic growth for clients while experimenting and leveraging his personal skills. While this dream lives on, he now shares it with a team of 10 permanent employees who have gelled with his vision. 

Amazingly, the team understands the importance of maintaining the ethos and culture of our founder; delivering growth to clients. Each comes with different competence and backgrounds, and the company is richer for it. For all the magic observed in our clients’ domains, the invaluable input of these esteemed propels the growth.

Remotely Together

Remotely Together

Botpresso arose from the embers of the pandemic. Remote work found acceptance and we went ahead to tap into its opportunities. Our team works from all over the world. It’s a challenging dynamic yet an admirable thing to see how a shared belief in excellence drives different SEO practitioners to come together and redefine our organizational culture. For all the 2022 wins, nothing beats the sheer hard work and amazing attitude each employee brings, which is transmitted to all our clients. Diverse group activities such as SEO academies, internal chess tournaments (not won by Nitin), and celebrating milestones together help bring the team closer.

botpresso team together

In 2022, some of our numerous group activities stood out: 

Diwali Celebrations 

Botpresso marked the biggest festivals in the Indian calendar in style. Since some of our team members hail from the wonderful subcontinent of India, the company held a fun-filled session. The highlight of the activity was seeing the game planner lose a game he created. 

One of the Indian employees provided a more-than-detailed background about Diwali for non-Indian members. It was simply lovely.

SEO Academy 

Each Friday, the team holds an internal learning event dedicated to understanding various topics related to our work. Since all employees come from different professional backgrounds, the academy enables sharing of knowledge and group bondings. In 2023, Botpresso plans to bring in external SEO professionals to teach our staff in an attempt to offer more value. 

Sports Chat 

Cricket and football are our main staple sports with almost fanatic support across different members. UFC makes an appearance too. Hopefully, as the team expands, more sports will gain prominence. 

Unsurprisingly, when Argentina won the Qatar 2022 World Cup, we developed MESSEO Guide highlighting the lessons from this win. Go have a read and see some of the 

Messi, what a player, huh? 

Pizza Party 

Well, sometimes when things got tougher and everyone needed to unwind, the old tradition of brainstorming over a pizza held us in good stead. During one of the pizza parties, we got a breakthrough on an issue that had been impending client progress. The informality, carefree environment, and attitude present in these moments are simply inspiring. We hope to increase their frequency in 2023. 

House Games 

Chess and remain in-house favorite games. Incentives ranging from paid lunch to cash rewards keep everyone engaged. For chess, each member faces the other in a mini-tournament with the winners going to the next round. The cycle goes on till a winner emerges. The competition is about to go a notch higher since there’s an unwritten rule no one ought to win twice. 

New Brand Identity, Same Old Commitment

For those who have taken a keen interest in our brand notice a revamp in the website appearance, including the logos on our social media pages. By the way, follow our LinkedIn Page for weekly SEO news and other cool stuff we share with our audience. The new identity represents not only our present circumstances as SEO consultants but also captures our aspirations further to unravel the mystery of search engine bots through SEO. 

What do you think of the new identity? Our highly qualified graphic designer insists on a yearly bonus. Aye?

Brands Brewing with Botpresso

Brands Brewing with Botpresso

Working with different clients across different fields gives us an everyday reason to keep up the good fight. Despite the relatively short time after establishment, Botpresso has carved its niche and our growing number of clients attest to our non-green credentials. 

Here are some of the top brands that partnered with us: 

Watching our meticulous technical SEO specialists break down the projects into bits and explain this to clients is a delight. Their unwavering dedication to the Botpresso ideals is simply magical. 

Nothing beats the unmistakable feeling everyone experiences when SEO efforts start bearing fruit. We’ve summarised our results through case studies.

saas SEO case study organic traffic growth

Learn how we increased a SaaS client’s organic traffic by 218,000 in 3 months. 

Interestingly, one of our E-commerce clients experienced a 5.1k monthly organic traffic increase after aligning with our content strategy framework. 

d2c brand blog traffic growth

2022 Standout Performer

This doesn’t invalidate the results acquired from the rest of the brands but this one exceeded our expectations. Well, it’s unsurprising since our competence is indisputable but when lady luck comes calling, who are we to denounce such rare pleasures? 

Year-on-Year Growth

Imagine an increase of 288.71% in SEO organic traffic growth and a bigger growth in revenues. Numbers don’t lie, and neither does Botpresso. 

For this brand, we moved its organic growth from 3.2 million to 10.6million within a year. The good news is that we aren’t planning on letting up, and the numbers will continue to increase. 

millions organic growth

YoY Revenue Growth

On the revenue front, our client made conversions exceeding $16 million for trusting us with their brand. 

YOY revenue growth

YoY Keyword Growth

Using SEMRush keyword cluster growth, this brand pushed its keyword cluster from 241.5k to 445.7k which allowed dominating of the industry niche. 

YoY Keyword Growth by botpresso

Now, that’s what brews here at Botpresso, and 2023 promises to be a year of more standout brands working with us. 

Lessons from the Year

Navigating the past year hasn’t been plain sailing. A few hiccups arose along the way but we managed to minimize their impact. In the spirit of half-cup full, we take these setbacks as lessons rather than setbacks. 

SEO consultants can get some insights into client relations and internal matters from these key takeaways. 

At Botpresso, these challenges arose but 2023 provides a platform to try to get it right. The professional growth experienced by our employees saw us venture into App Store Optimization validating that our obsession for the right organizational culture is on the right track, albeit derailed. 

Other hiccups included:

  • Rapid expansion forces us to keep adapting 
  • The need to hire the right fits 
  • Connecting personal and professional goals for growth 
  • Competing with the best – we want to be the leaders. 

We’re Going to BrightonSEO

Our founder and CEO Nitin Manchanda will be a keynote speaker at the biggest and most widely renowned SEO conference, BrightonSEO 2023. It’s a rare opportunity for the world to learn from his vast experience and innovative approach to SEO which has seen him work with multinational companies such as Omio and Trivago. 

Please send a few jokes for the global audience. 

Be on the lookout for this event to get unique SEO insights embraced and entrenched at Botpresso. 

Building a Future SEO & Digital Community

Hiten Sangani, one of our employees, was recently invited to AURO University, Surat to give a lecture on digital marketing and the future of SEO to students. 

This noble and commendable initiative illustrates Botpresso shared ethos and belief in creating an inclusive SEO community not just for today but also for tomorrow. When the curtain falls on our careers, we hope new blood will sweep in and keep the lights shining. 

Botpresso sincerely thanks Hiten Sangani for setting an example to the rest of the team members and playing his role in imparting knowledge to future generations. 

You won this. 

Tomorrow Risings: An Optimistic 2023

In 2023, we aim to take the SEO field a notch higher. Expect to see a vocal, vibrant and aggressive consultancy motivated by the need to provide its clients with the best services possible. 

Our developers, the guys who silently build systems, say they have a surprise. Like the rest of you, we wait. 


It ends where it started. In the novel The River and the Source, the author asks “How can you know where you are going if you do not know where you are coming from?” This epitomizes what Botpresso aims to achieve in 2023. 

The year 2022 formed a foundation for greater heights, buoyed by a dedicated team, a new brand identity, and a greater emphasis on exceeding client goals. The launchpad is set, and the crew members are aboard the spaceship ready for launch. 

Come join us in this exhilarating journey and let’s discover the heights of SEO. 

Picture of Nitin Manchanda

Nitin Manchanda

Nitin Manchanda is a developer turned SEO. In the past, Nitin has helped some really popular brands like Omio, trivago, and Flipkart grow organically. He is also the founder of Botpresso, a boutique SEO consultancy. While not busy with his SEO stuff, you'll find him planning his next trip, watching some cricket match, or painting, crafting or breaking things with his two daughters!